Emergency Response and Monitoring Center

At the INTER-CON National Operations Center we have a Monitoring Center, equipped with alarm signal reception technology, with the capacity to receive and process information permanently 24 hours a day, from all the electronic security systems of our clients.

Our emergency response centers, made up of personnel with extensive experience and trained to face all types of crises and equipped with motorized and vehicular units strategically located to quickly reach any point in the city, are equipped with advanced communication and security systems. specialized teams to face any type of security emergency.

Electronic Security Systems

Electronic security systems allow us to significantly reduce operating costs, minimize the risks of natural human error and maintain a continuous presence in the different areas of the reservation, whether industrial, commercial or residential.

Our Technology Management has qualified personnel to analyze each client’s environment, which allows us to present the most appropriate technical proposal (cost – benefits) adapted to their needs.

Our technical staff is qualified to carry out the installation and commissioning of the entire security system, we guarantee our work in writing and provide the most extensive after-sales technical service, which places us as the provider of security technology services. most reliable in the country.

24/7 alarm monitoring center

At Inter-Con Security Systems de Venezuela C.A., we have a monitoring center, equipped with the latest generation in alarm signal reception technology, with the capacity to receive and process information permanently 24 hours a day.

Our emergency response centers, made up of personnel with extensive experience and trained to face all types of crises and equipped with motorized and vehicular units strategically located to quickly reach any point in the city, are equipped with advanced communication and security systems. specialized teams to face any type of security emergency.

Closed circuit television (CCTV):

  • Deterrent effect.
  • Evidence in case of accident.
  • Permanent presence in different areas.

Detection and alarm systems:

  • Deterrent effect.
  • Permanent monitoring and response 24 hours a day.
  • Optimization of surveillance services.

High voltage electric fence:

  • Deterrent effect.
  • Restriction of perimeter access to facilities.
  • Integration to alarm systems.

Electronic access control:

  • Restriction and control of access to certain areas.
  • Deletion of copies of access keys.
  • Entry and exit reports. Integration to payroll systems.

The Electronic Monitoring System (GEMS)

  • We can guide and plan supervision.
  • At each checkpoint, marking buttons are fixed.

Electronic supervision system in rounds with QR points.

  • Control of the route during the round through the QR geo-location platform.
  • Optimization of surveillance services.

Control and monitoring of routes through gsm.

  • Systematize security through the control and monitoring of operations in real time.
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