“Provide consultancy in comprehensive security, developing excellent quality services with the aim of achieving customer satisfaction; based on our human capital and the continuous improvement of our processes “



It is the policy of INTER-CON SECURITY SYSTEMS DE VENEZUELA C.A. to guarantee its workers conditions of safety, health and well-being in an adequate work environment conducive to the exercise of their physical and mental faculties.

It is a commitment for INTER-CON SECURITY SYSTEMS DE VENEZUELA C.A. Ensure the execution of work activities, under optimal conditions of occupational health and safety, considering the risks associated with the type of operation, complying with the laws, regulations and standards applicable to each of these.

Supply and maintain adequate equipment, safe processes and procedures, considering and controlling in each case the risks present, to guarantee the health of workers and the integrity of the environment.

Train your workers on the nature of the risks inherent to their work and how to prevent them, providing all moral and material support for this work.

Implement and continually improve the occupational health and safety program and ensure that the standards and procedures that support this program are effectively communicated at all levels of INTERCON SECURITY SYSTEMS DE VENEZUELA C.A. Be trained, equipped, capable and capable of carrying out their work safely.

All accidents and incidents at work and occupational diseases must be reported immediately and investigated to determine their causes. Appropriate actions must be taken for its occurrence. All levels of INTER-CON SECURITY SYSTEMS CA. employees are responsible for the complete commitment to security. No INTER-CON SECURITY SYSTEMS CA employee should fail to comply with this commitment, which is subject to disciplinary action, which includes dismissal, in the most serious cases.

Constant efforts are dedicated to the development of these policies, through the allocation of resources with measurable objectives throughout the execution of the different stages of the work carried out.